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Our supportive and encouraging environment is all about kindness and cooperation, community and connections, building bonds instead of bullies, and being inclusive instead of exclusive. We are here not to be silent bystanders. We are here to create an undeniable change, to create a supportive, encouraging environment and make a monumental difference in the life of each child on a daily basis, which will in turn change the face of education and the world as we know it.


Studies have shown that meditation improves grades and helps students with cognitive focus, emotional regulation, and decision-making. Exercising mindfulness and true awareness of environments and actions represent the path to fulfillment in activities, relationships, and life. My Ivy Education kids learn early the importance of mindfulness and intention in everything they do.


According to Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck, when students believe they have the ability to get smarter and put in the effort to do better, their neural connections grow stronger. Understanding that intelligence can be strengthened and expanded - having a growth mindset - motivates students to put in the time and effort that leads to success. Based on scientific evidence, our experienced guides foster growth mindsets and help students with fixed mindsets to build grit, character, and positivity, resulting in higher achievement. At My Ivy Education, we believe that anyone can learn anything at a high level. 


We intentionally cultivate empathy. Demonstrating compassion for each other and their fellow human beings is essential to the ways in which students engage with themselves, their peers, and the world.


The abilities to understand and empathize with others, to navigate the culture of a situation, and to persist even in the face of failure are paramount. It is My Ivy Education's goal to not only help our students achieve academic excellence, but also reach new heights in emotional understanding and intelligence.

"When educating the minds of our youth, we must not forget to educate their hearts."


--Dalai Lama

Jack Ma, cofounder of international technology company Alibaba, discusses the importance of 'soft skills' from empathy and compassion to independent thinking and collaboration.

We at My Ivy Education wholeheartedly agree.

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